Enter tracking number reference of TransMission

ex. T27202016962268

Transmission Tracker List : Useful Links


Even just a manual add a tracker would be nice. There is a outstanding feature request for something that would at least give the ability to add ...


transmission bash script 3 to add these trackers to transmission · qbittorrent bash script to add these trackers to ...


Use the Edit button in Setting > Trackers and add multiple URLs, each followed by a blank line. Use the 'Edit' button · Update the tracker list.


This was the first link hat I found on google... after trying about a dozen from a list i found online I realized why I was getting this message.


In layman's terms, torrent trackers are servers that keep track of the peers who are available at the moment to offer you the requested files. These are a special ...


I understand this feature exists with utorrent but does not for transmission. I hve 2342 torrents currently with a tracker and my passkey was inadvertedly reset (as i  ...


Script to automatically add trackers from a list to all torrents in Transmission. This allows to get more peers to download/upload from/to. Features: Download lists of  ...


Fortunately, you don't have to find out trackers manually as there are many, many people out of there sharing list of them for you (even annually ...


Now that the list of trackers can be modified via the RPC, it would be nice if the web interface would implement the feature - I would prefer to use the same UI ...

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